A Conversation With My Husband on Spiritual Growth & Experiencing God in Hard Seasons (with Zach Zobrist) - Episode 12
I feel like I always say this, but I seriously am so excited about this week's episode! It's a unique one as I have the opportunity to welcome my husband, Zach, onto the podcast. Zach and I have known each other for around 10 years and have been married for 7. We have 5 children 5 and under, a 6th on the way, and a new puppy, so if there's ever been a season we need to be in God's Word, it's this one! 😆
This may go without saying, but I love Zach a ton. He balances me out, he is a great encouragement and support to Wandering Wilde, and he is seriously the best at developing helpful analogies for spiritual living!
In this episode, we talk about how we experience God differently, how spiritual growth mirrors physical fitness, encouragement for both men and women in their spiritual walks, the true value of community, and a whole lot more.
It's so exciting to have Zach on the podcast and I can't wait to hear what you take away! I'd also encourage you to share this episode with your spouse, using it as a launch pad for some important conversation! ❤️
Resources Related or Mentioned
- Every Moment Holy
- Dwell -- Scripture Listening App
- Wandering Wilde's Bible Study Journals
- Connect with Wandering Wilde on Facebook and Instagram
My Key Takeaways
1) There's no wrong answer to how you engage with or experience God's Word. Everyone experiences God differently. In fact, that's one of the main reasons I started this podcast! It's okay to take something unique from a passage of Scripture. It's okay to prefer to listen than read. It's okay to prefer journaling over deep study. What's most important is that you're connecting with your Savior and spending time in His presence.
2) Our spiritual fitness is formed very similarly to our physical fitness. Zach and I are both really into our physical health and fitness, and it was fun to talk about some of the analogies between that aspect of our life and the spiritual aspect of our life. What we put into our bodies matters. Sometimes we don't want to do it, but how we respond to that feeling matters. Training takes time to get your rhythms down. It's easier when it's done in community. And so much more. 🙂
3) Community matters. "Hold nothing back, because that's where growth happens" I love this encouragement from Zach, directed to men but applicable for everyone. The journey is deepened when it's honestly (that's the hard part, isn't it!?) walked in community and others are able to call us out on things, encourage us on our progress, and we're able to do the same for them as well.
4) "Yoke up." In Matthew 11:20, Jesus tells us, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." One of Zach's favorite full-body exercises is a Yoke Walk, and in the same way, we need to put on the yoke necessary for our faith every day. This involves sacrificing yourself, giving of the things you own, spending time in prayer and Scripture, and carrying our cross each day.
Where I've Been Wandering
In this episode's Where I've Been Wandering, I'm sharing about how my time with God has been a little different lately! Here at Wandering Wilde, we are SO passionate about spending time in God's Word every day. We want you to know that it's possible, that it's worth it, and that it's a crucial part of developing a relationship with your Creator.
For the past few months, it feels a little bit like I've been caring for a whole zoo. 😂 I've been staying at home with my 5 kids 5 and under (with our 6th on the way and a new puppy!) and the availability to sit down and read Scripture honestly just isn't always available.
I've found the Dwell app really helpful (not paid to recommend them, just truly have found it so helpful). It's been so life-giving to just let Scripture wash over me, and hear someone read the Word out loud. The particular playlist I've been loving is called "He Loves Us" and my favorite reader is David. (He has a British accent; it's the best! 👏)
I also recently ordered a copy of Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey and it has been beautiful to see the truths captured in the mundane moments of daily living.
Your journey matters. Our God is with you through it all! And even in what feel like the craziest seasons, it is possible to still prioritize your relationship with God. You've got this, friend!
Help Us Spread the Word
We want this to be an honest, encouraging, and inspirational resource to remind you that you're not alone, that you truly can grow closer to God each day, and that you have all you need to be transformed by the Word. We'd love for you to help us tell other women about it! You can do that in 2 ways:
1) If you listen on Apple Podcasts, please take a moment to leave a review! That's such a big help to us.
2) Send the link to this episode to a couple friends or family members that should hear it. I hope it even launches some good conversations!
Again, thank you for listening and we'll be back with Episode 13 in just a couple weeks!